Message from Jon Pillemer – Outgoing Chairman
As you all know under the constitution I have served my maximum term of 8 years as
Chairman and it has been an absolute honour and privilege to serve this great Club.
Thank you all for your support and assistance during this time. It has been a fantastic
journey and I have no doubt that the Club is in the strongest position it could be with
the current board leading the way forward.
Paul Heilig who is currently the President of the Senior Club was elected as
Chairman of the club at the AGM last night and will be taking over this role. Paul has
done an incredible job as President and has made a significant impact in the Senior
Club and is highly respected across the board and in all circles. I, together with the
rest of the board, do not believe there could be a better person to take over the helm
and lead the Club forward.
Kevin Koton will be taking over the role of Senior President. Kevin was previously
Club Treasurer. The board and I are very excited and believe that Kevin is the
perfect person to take over as President of the Senior Club and continue the upward
Athol Chiert – who is a current board member – will be stepping into the role of
Treasurer and no doubt will add significant value in this area.
I would also like to thank Ofer Greenberg, President of the Youth and Juniors for all
the support and the incredible job that he has done.
Thank you to the entire board for all the hard work behind the scenes. Whilst it is a
voluntary role, the amount of effort and work that you all put in is absolutely
incredible and I do not believe we could have had a better group of people leading
the Club.
I would also like to thank and acknowledge all the people I have served with on the
board over the years who have done an incredible job and contributed in different
I do not take for granted the privilege of having the opportunity to assist the Club
over this period and I thank everyone from the board to the coaches, players and
parents for all the help and support afforded to myself and the Club.
The Club has been a major part of my life for the last few decades and I look forward
to continuing to help and serve wherever required.
Message from Paul Heilig – Incoming Chairman
Jon Pillemer has served eight years as the Chairman of Hakoah FC. Sadly, our
Constitution does not allow a Chairman to serve for more than eight years and as a
result the Board has no choice but to change the guard.
From my perspective as, incoming Chairman it is truly an honour, yet also a sad day
as there is no one who is more passionate about football and in particular Hakoah
than Jon Pillemer. He lives and breathes for our football club. Anyone who has seen
him pacing up and down Hensley during a close match has witnessed his passion
first hand. He has no equal in the club with regard to football knowledge, reputation
and care for our players and community.
I want to thank Jon for giving me the opportunity to join the Hakoah Board in 2018. In
truth when I started out I never thought of becoming the Chairman of the club. It is a
great honour to be given this responsibility by our club and community, and it is a
role I take very seriously.
I want to thank all the Board members for all the voluntary hours they put in
throughout the year. We are very fortunate to have a Board full to capacity with “can”
do attitudes. I also want to wish Kevin Koton and Athol Chiert lots of success in their
new roles.
Hakoah FC has a proud history and I am delighted to be given this custodian role for
the next chapter.
Paul Heilig